Behind the Handle

Behind the Handle

Behind the Handle is a capstone project, created by a group of fourth year media studies students at the University of Guelph-Humber. This film is a personal look into the online and offline lives of four “influencers”, and dives into what it really takes to establish a strong social media presence in today’s ago of viral. The creators behind the accounts “Simplyteee”, “The Danocracy”, “Brittlestar”, and “Elvispawsleythecorgi” share their strategies, as well as the highs and lows of what it means to be considered a social media “celebrity”.


Sydney Facey: Co-Director/Co-Producer
Mitchell Kennedy: Co-Director/Co-Producer

Nicolas Buck: Director of Photography/Camera/Digital Content

Julia Grodzinski: Camera/Digital Content

Leonardo Yokhana: Editor/Camera

Matthew Zen: Graphics Specialist

Elias Iaizzo: Production Assistant

About Us:

The crew of Behind the Handle is a group of seven media studies students from the University of Guelph-Humber. They have used what they learned these past four years of their studies to put together a cinematic documentary that reflects the theme for the Emerge 2020 web magazine, “The Tipping Point”.

Behind the Handle Documentary

Meet The Influencer Video Clips