Emerge Magazine 2017
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The Internist – Kostuch Media

By: Emilie Bell

This semester I was an editorial intern at Kostuch Media Inc. Kostuch Media produces two magazines, Hotelier Magazine, which is distributed eight times a year, and Foodservice and Hospitality Magazine, which is distributed monthly. The company also has online publications of both magazines and a variety of digital components; they also host various events with speakers from the industry.

The internship was pretty much handed to me. A friend sent me their email and all I had to do was send an email saying I was interested, then go in for an “interview” in which they pretty much just wanted to make sure I wasn’t a crazy person. Don’t get me wrong though, I found this one after I had already applied to about 20 other internships and didn’t hear back from any of them. So I can say it can definitely be a pain to try and find one.

I was very nervous coming into my internship. I was unsure if I possessed all of the skills I needed to really succeed and mostly, I was worried I was not going to live up to the standards set by interns before me. As I got comfortable at Kostuch, I learned that everyone here is willing to help me and always down to answer my questions or give me advice. During my time there, I was able to produce quite a few good articles that will be published in their magazines, and that’s a very rewarding feeling.

Every day at my internship was pretty much the same. I showed up and wrote one or two short stories for the web news, then waited for them to be edited. It was my job to make sure all the web stories written that morning were posted on the web, which is done through WordPress, so I was super thankful to have learned how to use that site in third year. After web news was done, I would work on any stories that were currently on my plate. During this time I would either be interviewing someone, transcribing interviews or writing my article. I also had the chance to attend two events, both of which were for Foodservice Magazine. These were the highlight of my internship. I got to spend a whole day meeting new people, eating food, and having some drinks–and who doesn’t love FREE food and alcohol?

I learned a lot about writing during my time at Kostuch. I honestly feel like I have become a much better writer and that I can take my skills into the real world to get a job. Sometimes being an intern means grabbing coffee and doing the grunt work but I really lucked out and was treated as part of the team and able to do the same work as everyone else. It’s funny because I had never even thought about working in magazine before this experience; I only applied because I was running out of options. But I am so glad that I got this opportunity and my best advice would be to always keep your options open and don’t rule out anything until you give it a try.

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