Emerge Magazine 2017
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The Internist – FanSided

By: Alison Schill

Thinking back to high school when graduating university was only a distant wish, finding a school that offered a placement was high on my priority list. Fast forward to my fourth and final year of university, I dreaded trying to find a placement – I mean couldn’t they just do that for me? My reluctance to grow up and apply to internships quickly became a disaster waiting to happen.

All of my friends and classmates were happily announcing their placements for the coming semester, and I was feeling as lost as ever. I felt like I wasn’t as good as those other people, and like no one would want me to work for them (even for free).

In what felt like two seconds, the holidays were over, and everyone was getting their feet wet and delving into adulthood. Well, everyone except me. After I had accepted the fact that I would have to find my own internship, I buckled down and applied to anything and everything that was related to my field. After only getting one interview, I realised my graduation was in jeopardy if I didn’t find something soon.

Every passing day I would do the math and calculate how many hours a week I would have to work in order to hit the minimum. As the days continued to pass, I didn’t know what else to do. Finding a summer placement was never an option in my mind, I wanted to get my university done in four years. My mind had been made up since I began university.

I don’t know if it’s my stubbornness, great friends, or sheer luck, but I eventually found an internship that I love. I networked with my classmates, and asked everyone I could to put in a good word, or even just ask if there were any more openings.

Eventually someone suggested for me to reach out to his supervisor from his summer internship. When I did, I was quickly welcomed with open arms. What I thought I wanted my internship to be didn’t turn out to be what it was, but that’s okay. I was slightly out of my comfort zone, doing something I didn’t think I would have to do again. But my time with FanSided has taught me a lot, not only about myself, but about working together as a team with one goal in mind.

I thought I knew what my internship was supposed to be, but it turns out I was entirely wrong – and that’s okay. I didn’t do it the “right way” like my other classmates, but I did it. I landed an amazing internship with amazing learning experiences in the most unexpected way. All I knew was that I wanted to graduate on time, and thanks to perseverance, and knowing the right people, that’s exactly what I did.

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