Emerge Magazine 2017
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The Internist – CTV’s The Social

By: Esther Henriquez

One foot in front of the other, Esther. Don’t trip, smile at strangers (you never know who they could be), wave, yes wave, that’s good.” Shortly after this mental pep talk, I slipped on a forgotten puddle of water left on the floor and crashed onto the ground beneath me, coffee in one hand, embarrassment in the other. This is how my internship began and note to self – don’t wear slippery ankle booties in an office.

As described by the show’s website, CTV’s The Social is a Bell Media In-House Production bringing a “fresh, daily perspective on up-to-the-minute news, pop culture, and lifestyle topics that matter most.”

But having been a part of what makes the “show go on” for the past (now) 12 weeks, I consider myself qualified to say it’s so much more. The Social has a special place in my heart. I mean, the show started airing in September 2013, AKA the same September I started my post-secondary journey at the University of Guelph-Humber (useless fact but it makes me happy).

Once fourth year hit and I had mastered my cover letter and resume skills, it was time to apply for my internship and let life do its thing. Within a matter of two weeks or so after having applied to The Social, I received word back, landed my interview, and joyfully accepted their offer. I was about to be “Esther the Intern” and no one was going to take that away.

It’s been three months now and I think it’s finally fair to say I know the main ins and outs of the show, and my appreciation for live television has never been greater.

A day in the life of a production internship for CTV’s The Social, looks a little something like this:

  • 9 a.m. – 10 a.m: opportunity to pitch story ideas for that day’s show
  • 10 a.m. – 11 a.m.: email producers to ensure the scripts you are printing for the show are good to go
  • 11 a.m. – noon: organize scripts, bring back stage, and prepare for audience load in
  • Noon: begin audience load in, audience gets seated in an hour
  • 1 p.m. – 2 p.m.: prepare gift bags for audience giveaway, then go for lunch
  • 2 p.m.- 3 p.m.: clear out audience
  • 3 p.m.: help clear out host outfits and return to wardrobe
  • 4 p.m.: help out with any research and prop runs

It’s been quite the ride, but the kind that you never want to end. So here’s to another month of interning and being #esthertheintern.

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