Emerge Magazine 2017
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Letters from the Editors – Web Magazine

 By: Alicia Mirtsos & Erika Graham

As the co-Editors-in-Chief of the Emerge web magazine, we work with many writers with a variety of interests and skill sets to create a cohesive project that represents the Emerge 2017 theme. We had a number of exciting challenges this year, which led to some of the great content that is now published on the web magazine. Working with a team as big as ours can be difficult at times, but that’s what gives our magazine its diverse voice.

Each year, the Emerge web magazine audience is a little different. We worked closely with the Engagement team to ensure our stories were best suited to our target audience. Unfortunately, some stories had to be scrapped in the process, but this was necessary to ensure a cohesive web magazine with the most clickable content.

The web magazine incorporates a number of storytelling devices, from written articles, to documentary series and podcasts. We recognize that, in 2017, our readers want to be informed in the most engaging way possible, which is why one of our main goals this year was to not only inform, but also to entertain.

But the web magazine is about more than just creating informative and entertaining content. We also work with the web designers to create an accessible website that showcases content on an attractive website. The art team brings our stories to life with their original images that uniquely represent each story.

Above all, we want our content to not only be interesting, but to serve a purpose in the most effective way possible. We work closely with the content editors to ensure accuracy and credibility so that all stories are held to the highest standard. What is most important to us is that we inform and entertain our readers with contemporary content that is relevant to them.

Alicia Mirtsos and Erika Graham, Editors-in-Chief, 2017 Web Magazine

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