Emerge Magazine 2017
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Letters from the Editors – Instazine

 By: Sabrina Machado & Danielle Tocher

What can we say about Emerge?

First, obviously, it’s a scary thing to go into because of the awesome history behind this project and all of the awards that it has won. Going into this as co-editors-in-chief, we honestly didn’t even have an idea what the Emerge Instazine was. Luckily, we had an awesome team behind us (Stephanie Good, Kyle Phillips, Mariam Salem and Caitlin Wood). Collectively, we figured out what this new publication was going to be. We ended up deciding this year’s theme would be young individuals who are using media to do something positive.

With this in mind, all six of us started throwing out ideas to create stories. The benefit of having a team composed of half image arts students and half journalism students was that we could piece together entire stories all at once.

We started off telling the story of a young man by the name of Rob Comeau. Comeau started his own production company because he was able to follow his passion for creating. This story kickstarted the 2017 Instazine. From there, we’ve run stories on musicians and bakers. With all of the people we’ve featured, we somehow managed to keep the overall theme intact.

The struggles were real this semester. Just kidding. The Instazine team was lucky. We all got along really well, which definitely shows in the work we produced. Throughout the course of the semester, there have been very few disagreements, and those we did have resulted in a solution that everyone agreed upon. We all bounced ideas off each other really well, and that helped the developmental process. The Instazine team worked well with keeping the mood light and just having very calm team meetings.

If we were to give any advice to readers, it would be to find out what creative process works for you and your team. This helped us more than anyone could imagine. As team leads, we made sure that our team worked as more of a democracy than a dictatorship. Ultimately, we had the final say on certain things, but we still made sure that everyone felt that their opinions had been heard.

We also want to say “thank you” to the 2017 Emerge Instazine team for being so awesome and making this scary semester a little less painful!

Thanks a bunch for reading.

Sabrina Machado and Danielle Tocher, Editors-in-Chief, Emerge Instazine 2017

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