Emerge Magazine 2017
3 students ringing the graduation bell at the University of Guelph-Humber
Guelph Humber Graduates

Grow with Guelph-Humber’s Mentorship Program

University students know the daily school grind – endless group projects, tests, readings, and exams. The Guelph-Humber Alumni Mentorship Program’s networking events give students a break from school stress, and the opportunity to hear relatable stories from their mentors.

The mentorship program offers more than a brief conversation with a graduate. It’s an open opportunity for current students to be acknowledged by, and gain wisdom from, past students who’ve been in their place. And it gives them the chance to build friendships and gain a new perspective on university, careers, and the years beyond.

Recently, this program created new networking events. Although it typically matches mentor to mentee, this networking evening allowed guests to mix-and-mingle in a casual environment.

Students pick up advice from mentors on a range of topics including time management, building a work-life balance, job searches, and the necessity of a healthy social life. For students, it’s helpful to look beyond their four years at university; the mentorship program gives them that chance to gain valuable knowledge.

The mentors are also there to lead and advise mentees, based on their experiences with graduating, life after university, and the real work force. Students can ask what jobs a degree or diploma can offer, as well as which paths others have taken, and how mentors reached their current positions. They share tips about the kinds of soft-skills needed to make an office job work, like teamwork and flexibility. For mentors, it’s one of the most enriching ways to give back to the Guelph-Humber community.

This relationship between students and their mentors benefits both sides. The mentors share their wisdom and advice, and the mentees give insight into the new generation of students.

Key pieces of advice the mentors want to pass on include:

  • Your perspective influences everything – there is a variety of ore than one thought process and more than one way to accomplish your tasks
  • Take a break after you graduate – there’s more to learn and experience from life that school cannot teach you
  • Find a career you enjoy – it may be difficult to find, but it’s worth it to work at a job that does more than pay your bills
  • It’s not the worst thing if you’re not at the top of your class – marks aren’t everything, but your attitude and how your present yourself will determine where you go in life
  • Work hard, but take time to relax – you deserve to give your brain a break and rest
  • Don’t burn professional bridges – you’ll never know who could call and ask for a favour!

If you’d like to reach out to the Mentorship Program to see how you can become a mentee or mentor, contact mentorship@guelphhumber.ca.


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Cassandra Giammarco

Profile photo of Cassandra Giammarco

Cassandra Giammarco is a fourth year public relations student and event planner. When she’s not planning parties for friends and family, she’s most likely behind a camera or running late.

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