Emerge Magazine 2017

Kimberley Noble

Kimberley Noble has had seven years of experience running the University of Guelph-Humber’s student-driven print and web magazine ‘Emerge’. She has been through the humble beginnings, in which she asked the students what they wanted to do in their final year, and has seen the struggles that each...

Kathy Ullyott

University of Guelph-Humber assistant program head of Media Studies Kathy Ullyott was a part of the initial launch of the Emerge program as we know it today. She collaborated with other professors to develop a fourth-year Media Studies course that has resulted in the annual Emerge conference...

Nick Farnell

University of Guelph-Humber Media Studies professor Nick Farnell, is one of the original professors involved in the creation of the fourth-year Media Studies course Emerge. He is a digital communications professor who oversees the design and development of the Emerge website.

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