Emerge Magazine 2017
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The Internist – Intro

A 9-to-5 taste of what GH interns are experiencing from all corners of the media industry.

Strap in and prepare for the real talks of 20-something interns who are trying their best to make it in a crazy, fast-paced world of media that seems to spit us out faster than we can attempt to hang on.

Now on the other side, looking back at our 240 hours of in-industry experience, we can reveal that the fear-inducing panic sweats of writing cover letter after cover letter actually paid off (although not in actual money).

Seriously though, we at GH have scored some pretty awesome internship experiences – and as the overwhelming sense of being so small in such a large pond is getting under control, we have a little advice to pass on.

The Internist is a series created as a space in which fourth-year students fresh from their placements can talk about how they managed to nab a spot, what a typical day is like in their corner of the industry and what insider secrets or kernels of truth were learned.

For the low-down on how to perfect a multi-coffee/donut run, how to pump out a WordPress gallery in 10 seconds flat and how to always rise in the battle of interns to be a stand out choice for potential employment, read on.

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