Emerge Magazine 2017


Profile photo of Video Doc Team

Video Doc Team

This video was produced by the 2017 EMERGE Magazine Video Doc Team. Visit our author page for more information about the members of this team.

Profile photo of Contributing Author

Contributing Author

This story is a selected feature from the 2017 EMERGE print magazine.

Profile photo of Julia Robinson

Julia Robinson

Julia is a coordinating producer for the Branded Content team and an aspiring book publisher. When she isn’t writing you can find her on her couch cheering on her favourite sports teams.

Profile photo of Joseph Quintanilha

Joseph Quintanilha

Joseph Quintanilha is an aspiring sports journalist, who just really wants to be famous.

Profile photo of Nicole McIntyre

Nicole McIntyre

Nicole's five favourite things are: tea, writing, cycling, sunshine and drinking too much beer.

Profile photo of Alicia Phan

Alicia Phan

A writer who drinks a lot of coffee. When she's not writing, you can find her at a restaurant taking pictures of her food.

Profile photo of Kristina Ramcharran

Kristina Ramcharran

Kristina lives her life a quarter page at a time. And when she’s not writing, she’s usually just eating. Car shows and concerts are her weaknesses.

Profile photo of Max Lorenz

Max Lorenz

Max is a creative and passionate videographer. His role models, who range from Michael Moore to Gucci Mane, inspire him.

Profile photo of Madison Parker

Madison Parker

You can usually find Madison planning her next trip abroad. She likes all things music and television, and occasionally writes from time to time.

Profile photo of Alison Schill

Alison Schill

As a genuinely uninteresting person, she doesn’t have much to say about herself. When she grows up, she aspires to be a guinea pig hoarder and a fast-food critic.

Profile photo of Sara Nazeman

Sara Nazeman

Sara is a content creator from Vancouver, BC. She specializes in directing and editing documentary films and also has a passion for music, photography and visual arts. In her spare time you can catch her at Bikram yoga.

Profile photo of Adam Horgan

Adam Horgan

Adam is a journalism student currently working for Rogers Communications. He likes sports, movies and classic rock. He one day hopes to host his own late night talk show.

Profile photo of Leyah Mirza

Leyah Mirza

Leyah is a writer from Toronto whose passions include inspiring others and consuming lots of chocolate.

Profile photo of Aansa Mirza

Aansa Mirza

Aansa is the managing editor of the online Emerge Magazine 2017. As a media studies and journalism student, she is striving to give a voice to the voiceless.

Profile photo of Arabelle Gregoire

Arabelle Gregoire

Arabelle Gregoire is a fourth year media studies student, specializing in public relations. She is freakishly tall, socially awkward and occasionally models.

Profile photo of Khadijah Dunn

Khadijah Dunn

A writer, fashion enthusiast and avid reader. She usually can be found in front of a camera or burrowed in a book.

Profile photo of Brittany Miller

Brittany Miller

A twenty something, aspiring television personality and connoisseur of all things entertainment.

Profile photo of Samantha Lindgren

Samantha Lindgren

As an avid theatre geek and feline enthusiast, she loves to tell stories through video and film. She's excited to learn what the future has in store for her and her many cats.

Profile photo of Caitlan Madden

Caitlan Madden

A twentysomething grandma who leaves her home for conventions, museums and yarn.

Profile photo of Anthony Gallo

Anthony Gallo

Anthony Gallo is an Engagement Coordinator Producer who loves sports, watches too much TV and wants to one day work in a sports media environment.

Profile photo of Selena Kovachis

Selena Kovachis

Selena is a co-exec on this year's Branded Content team and aspires to be writing and editing for a magazine full-time one day. Passionate about aesthetic social media pages, pizza, and wine, you can find her taking pictures of her food before she eats when she's not writing.

Profile photo of Cassandra Giammarco

Cassandra Giammarco

Cassandra Giammarco is a fourth year public relations student and event planner. When she’s not planning parties for friends and family, she’s most likely behind a camera or running late.

Profile photo of Emilie Bell

Emilie Bell

Emilie Bell is a small town girl who loves to write. She enjoys her daily tea, making people laugh, Teen Mom and anything to do with food.

Profile photo of Dj Gassewitz

Dj Gassewitz

Level headed class clown. Creative videographer with big aspirations.

Profile photo of Katie Purdy

Katie Purdy

Kaitlin (Katie) Purdy is a fourth year image arts student with a passion for visual arts. She has taken photos for different aspects of Emerge, and is the photo editor on the branded content team. Once graduated Katie plans on pursuing a career in commercial and lifestyle photography.

Profile photo of Chris Coletta

Chris Coletta

Christopher Coletta is co-editor-in-chief of Editorial Engagement and Host of this year's Emerge Conference and Media Awards. He an aspiring late night talk show host and plans on slaying with his quick wit and fiery personality.

Profile photo of Jessica Smith

Jessica Smith

Jessica Smith is the managing editor of Emerge Magazine. She likes her tea 24/7, her books Harry Potter-y and her Coldplay constantly

Profile photo of Mark Gomez

Mark Gomez

Image editor by day, karaoke star by night. Most importantly, a big foodie 24/7.

Profile photo of Drew Yorke-Slader

Drew Yorke-Slader

Drew is a daydreaming journalism student by day and a published music photographer by night. He loves black coffee, sneakers kept in their boxes, thrifted jackets and his cat, Stella.

Profile photo of Samantha Mitchell

Samantha Mitchell

A media studies student and image editor for Emerge Magazine’s web platform. I aspire to become a photographer

Profile photo of Alicia Mirtsos

Alicia Mirtsos

Alicia is co-editor-in-chief of the web magazine. She spends her days with her nose in a book or a newspaper.

Profile photo of Erika Graham

Erika Graham

Erika is co-editor-in-chief of the web magazine. On weekends you can find her at hip-hop concerts, new Toronto restaurants and riding her bike through the city.

Profile photo of Michelle Bedley

Michelle Bedley

As EIC of Editorial Engagement you can usually find her writing some sort of list, petting a dog, making a tasteful joke or re-reading a cheesy romance novel.

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