Emerge Magazine 2017
Photo by Kaitlin Purdy/EMERGE

ALUMNI BIO – Michael Brown

This entry is a part of our alumni biography series, which profiles graduates of the Media Studies program at the University of Guelph-Humber. For more information about Alumni Services, please visit https://www.guelphhumber.ca/alumni

Name: Michael Brown

Guelph-Humber program: Media Studies – Journalism

Year of graduation: 2014

Current occupation: Product Owner – Apps, DHX Media 

Favourite Guelph-Humber course: Ethical Issues in Media

What did you like most about Guelph-Humber?:

Since the school is relatively new, it’s able to change and adapt with the media landscape. The variety of courses that I had was so great for letting me learn many different aspects of media. Also, the professors. I loved so many of the professors that I had at Guelph-Humber; I’d say that they were definitely a large part of why I enjoyed the program so much. Even after graduation I’m still in touch with many of them and we get together for coffee/lunch from time to time.

How did Guelph-Humber help you prepare for life after school?:

The practical experience that GH offers is really key. I would also say that the assortment of courses offered in second year (where you get exposed to so many different mediums and software to help you choose your major in third year) helped to lay the groundwork for a varied skillset. It gives me the ability to say that I have at least a basic to intermediate understanding of most software/skills required in the media industry.

What is your advice for future and recent graduates?:

Don’t be afraid to be flexible. Just because a job description might not sound like your dream job, you would be so surprised at how the skills that you learn and develop in those positions help to open the path to your dream job. Also: network, network, network. Use all your contacts when you’re looking for a job and never burn a bridge. The industry is so small and chances are, within a year or two you’ll be working with someone who knows someone.

Favourite Guelph-Humber memory:

Finally getting the printed copy of Emerge 2014. I was the editor-in-chief of Emerge 2014 and I’ve never been more proud than the moment when we finally received a print copy of that magazine. It was the culmination of so much hard work by such a dedicated group. It went on to win the Pinnacle Award for Fourth-Year Feature Magazine of the Year in a North America-wide competition; I was really proud for Guelph-Humber and our whole team.

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Julia Robinson

Profile photo of Julia Robinson

Julia is a coordinating producer for the Branded Content team and an aspiring book publisher. When she isn’t writing you can find her on her couch cheering on her favourite sports teams.

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