Emerge Magazine 2017
Photo by Kaitlin Purdy/ EMERGE

ALUMNI BIO – Farah Abokhraibey

This entry is a part of our alumni biography series, which profiles graduates of the Media Studies program at the University of Guelph-Humber. For more information about Alumni Services, please visit https://www.guelphhumber.ca/alumni

Name: Farah Abokhraibey

Guelph-Humber program: Media Studies

Year of graduation: 2014

Current occupation: Public Relations, Consulate General of the United Arab Emirates

Favourite Guelph-Humber course: Magazine Writing and Editing

What did you like most about Guelph-Humber?:

Being able to contact my professors directly for guidance and working collectively with my friends in the program.

How did Guelph-Humber help you prepare for life after school?:

With the Media Studies program specifically, it was great to be able to learn all the different aspects of the industry in four years.  This prepared us to be a threat against other graduates whose options were limited. Graduating from Guelph-Humber’s Media Studies program allows me to now say I am a journalist, PR, photographer, digital editor, social media enthusiast and much more.

What is your advice for future and recent graduates?:

The advice I would give to future and recent graduates is be patient and open-minded. Finding a job will come easy to some and might take longer for others, DON’T compare! Keep an open mind about where you are going next.

Favourite Guelph-Humber memory:

All of it, from start to finish. However, nothing compares to seeing the final print of Emerge Magazine come out after all those late nights at school copy-editing stories and ordering pizza to the classroom.


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Julia Robinson

Profile photo of Julia Robinson

Julia is a coordinating producer for the Branded Content team and an aspiring book publisher. When she isn’t writing you can find her on her couch cheering on her favourite sports teams.

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