Emerge Magazine 2017
Photo by Kyle Phillips/EMERGE

ALUMNI BIO – Danielle Sefton

This entry is a part of our alumni biography series, which profiles graduates of the Media Studies program at the University of Guelph-Humber. For more information about Alumni Services, please visit https://www.guelphhumber.ca/alumni

Name: Danielle Sefton

Guelph-Humber program: Media Studies – Public Relations

Year of graduation: 2008

Current occupation: Senior Publicist, Freelance

Favourite Guelph-Humber course: Andrea Tavchar’s Writing for PR course

What did you like most about Guelph-Humber?:

I loved that Guelph-Humber offered a combination of practical, hands-on experience and theoretical classes. We received the best of both worlds learning real-world and critical thinking skills. It was also very appealing that I was able to get an honours degree and diploma in the same amount of time as a four-year degree.

How did Guelph-Humber help you prepare for life after school?:

The fact that we had two work placements over the course of the four year program was a major advantage, allowing us to get practical knowledge and contacts in our field of interest, as well as relevant experience to put on our resumes. My placements also helped me identify the type of job I wanted after graduating.

What is your advice for future and recent graduates?:

Treat every day of your placement like a job interview – even if there’s not a job opening at the end, they may know someone who is hiring. Network and keep in touch with your classmates because they will become valuable resources. Learn how to balance a budget. Never stop learning new skills. Travel.

Favourite Guelph-Humber memory:

Near the end of a very long, cold winter and spring, we got an unexpected burst of unseasonably warm temperatures. Everyone grabbed their blankets and music and went out to the Arboretum to hang out together in the sun. Experiences like this are what led to some of my lifelong friendships, so I’ll always be grateful for that!


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Julia Robinson

Profile photo of Julia Robinson

Julia is a coordinating producer for the Branded Content team and an aspiring book publisher. When she isn’t writing you can find her on her couch cheering on her favourite sports teams.

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