Emerge Magazine 2017
Photo by Kyle Phillips/EMERGE

ALUMNI BIO – Anthony Petrielli

This entry is a part of our alumni biography series, which profiles graduates of the Media Studies program at the University of Guelph-Humber. For more information about Alumni Services, please visit https://www.guelphhumber.ca/alumni

Name: Anthony Petrielli         

Guelph-Humber program: Media Studies

Year of graduation: 2013

Current occupation: Web and Social Media Coordinator, Town of Richmond Hill

Favourite Guelph-Humber course: Writing for PR

What did you like most about Guelph-Humber?:

There is a great balance of theoretical and practical work. The opportunity to juggle writing an academic paper while doing real-world work in a separate class always kept me engaged.

How did Guelph-Humber help you prepare for life after school?:

Taking courses in all of the specializations during my first two years helped me to develop a variety of skill sets. This has been valuable in my career as I have had to use all of them at one point or another because the field is always evolving.

What is your advice for future and recent graduates?:

Learn as many different things as you can and network with your classmates. Just because you are in PR, doesn’t mean you can’t run a radio program at the school or learn how to do web design, too. All of the resources at your disposal are going to come in handy as you embark on your professional career. I have worked in journalism, web design, PR and even some photography in my short time since graduating, making all the different things I learned in university critical to my career.

Your classmates are interested in the same things as you – that’s why you are in the same program – so take advantage of that. Chances are you will be bumping into each other during your careers; you might even need their help for something. Build those friendships in your four years together. You will be surprised at how important they become.

Favourite Guelph-Humber memory:

Every Halloween!


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Julia Robinson

Profile photo of Julia Robinson

Julia is a coordinating producer for the Branded Content team and an aspiring book publisher. When she isn’t writing you can find her on her couch cheering on her favourite sports teams.

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