Emerge spent the evening at Toronto Comicon on March 7th, and if you couldn’t make it down to the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, here’s what you missed.

DC cosplayers like Superman and Batman ruled the convention, but the real stand-outs were the a retro take on the Joker and London’s Batman. They spent hours roaming the floor, meeting with fans and fellow cosplayers. “I came here to Toronto to come to the Con because I really enjoy having fun at these things,” says London Batman. “I had to get out of my Gotham and come to this one.”

Cosplayer Dominic Laferriere came all the way from Ottawa to enjoy the evening as Rick Grimes from The Walking Dead. Tons of characters posed for photos on the showfloor while various exhibitors lined the halls, wrangling in superfans to buy themed merchandise. Among the exhibitors are Peter Ash from Sequential Scribbles and Andy Stanleigh of A!H Comics. “In recent years you see a lot more people coming to the booth looking for more independent artists which is fantastic,” says Stanleigh.

The highlight of today (aside from the fish tacos at Food Dudes) was meeting celebrity guest Allison Mack of Smallville fame. We got the chance to speak with Mack about Emerge, and her time on the iconic Superman show. With all of this excitement on the shortest day of the convention, we can’t wait to see what tomorrow will have in store for us. Stay tuned!